lördag, juni 12, 2004

Wellstone Action

Paul Wellstone var senator i delstaten Minnesota och en av det demokratiska partiets mest framgångsrika progressiva politiker. Han dödades i en flygplansolycka för två år sedan. Men hans tankar och ideal lever vidare i organisationen Wellstone Action som är ett av en stor mängd exempel på dagens progressiva - USA. Ett land som idag helt döljs av det alltmer högerextrema USA.

Paul Wellstones söner David och Mark har uttryckt hur viktigt det just organisation är:

One of the biggest lessons Dave and I learned from our parents' lives is that hard work and faith in the possibility of change can conquer despair. Certainly, there is little in the current national political climate to suggest that change will come easily, or soon. There is no indisputable progressive leader or any easy way to reverse America's relentlessly misguided course in the world. As Paul and Sheila's sons, the only practical response is obvious to us: organize, organize, organize.

Mer om Wellstone Action:

The Wellstone Action Network brings together thousands of people from across the United States in focused advocacy campaigns on progressive issues. Using the Wellstone Action website, email action alerts, grassroots organizing and partnerships with like-minded organizations, the advocacy network will put its weight and energy behind a series of issues - working on and winning one campaign at a time.

We intend to concentrate on issues that were important to Paul and Sheila and that are a part of their legacy. As an advocate for those with mental illness, Senator Wellstone worked for years to ensure that mental illness was treated in exactly the same way as physical illness. This commitment to full parity is embodied in the legislation known as the Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act. Passage of this legistlation will be the first priority of our advocacy network.

Man undrar hur många svenska progressiva som har kontaktat Wellstone Action för att lära sig hur man organiserar mot dagens neokonservativa.

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