torsdag, maj 20, 2004

Vart är den amerikanska konservatismen på väg?

The Nation har en mycket bra artikel om vart den amerikanska konservaitva rörelsen är på väg.

Artikeln påpekar hur den konservative rörelsen har ändrats från 1960-talet:

"Historically, conservatism in the United States has meant support for small government, balanced budgets, fiscal prudence and great skepticism about overseas adventures," notes Clyde Prestowitz, a former Reagan Administration official who back in the 1960s was among the young Republicans supporting Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, a conservative standard-bearer. "What I see now is an Administration that's not for any of these things."

Den påpekar också att den alltmer radikala nykonservatismen faktiskt möter kritik från de traditionella värdekonservativa:

Hungry for hard-hitting criticism of the Iraq war? You're as likely to find it these days in publications like The National Interest, a conservative foreign affairs quarterly, and the recently launched American Conservative as in publications on the left. Want a rundown on the billions in government subsidies that the Bush Administration has lavished on corporations even as it claims to champion laissez-faire economics? Look no further than the website of the libertarian Cato Institute, which bristles with such information. How about sober analyses of the multibillion-dollar budget deficits the Administration has overseen? There's no better source than the staid, conservative business press.

Som sagt en mycket bra artikel.

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