söndag, maj 23, 2004

Ryssland och Kyotoavtalet

Kyotoavtalet från 1997 är ett av de viktigaste internationella avtal som någonsin slutits. BBC har en bra översikt över fördraget på sin websajt

Nu kommer nyheten att Ryssland antagligen kommer att skriva under fördraget, vilket är mycket glädjande.

Den enda regering som nu vägrar att skriva under är den amerikanska.

Som The Independent skriver:

Surprisingly, Mr Bush is under pressure from the industry responsible for much of the pollution: electric power companies owning nearly two-fifths of US generating capacity have endorsed legislation that would compulsorily limit their emissions of carbon dioxide, the main global-warming gas. There are even indications that ExxonMobil, the main industry cheerleader for the President's position, is beginning to change its stance.

Three key Republican-governed states - California, New York and Massachusetts - have parted company with the President and moved to take aggressive measures to reduce emissions. Both houses of Congress have called on the Bush administration to return to the negotiating table.

The US will not join Kyoto as it stands. But a deal looks more possible this weekend than at any time since Mr Bush took office.

Som på så många andra områden så står nu Bush-regeringen ansikte mot ansikte mot resten av världen.

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